Street Trees

To report a fallen or hazardous street tree, email

Woodbrook Street Tree Policy:

Street Tree – Any tree growing in the open space between the sidewalk and the curb.

The wide, tree lined streets are one of the endearing characteristics of Woodbrook. We take great pride in our street trees and spend significant time and resources maintaining them. The oxygen they provide helps keep our air fresh, the shade helps cool our homes, and the aesthetics charm the neighborhood. A full street tree canopy also elevates our collective property values. As such, we all share in the communal benefits of a healthy street tree population.

Since the benefits of our street trees is shared equally across the association membership, the Woodbrook board has always assumed the responsibility of maintaining our street trees. This policy serves to formalize that assumed role. Simply stated: the association drives the decision making process regarding maintenance, removal, and new planting of street trees and with it assumes 100% of the associated costs.

The association relies on independent arborists to assess the health of the street trees. Based on their expert recommendations and our financial situation, decisions are made annually regarding removal, treatment, pruning, and planting. Decisions to remove street trees are not based on: sidewalk damage, potential sewer line damage, “ugly” or voluminous leaf litter, etc. Rather, decisions to remove a tree are based on health, safety, disease, and other substantive information provided by the arborists.


Upcoming Street Tree Work:

  • Ash Tree Treatment – occurs every two years, prevents Emerald Ash Borer infestation, slated to happen again in March/April 2021
  • New Plantings – Brandywine Nurseries will be filling gaps in the canopy Spring 2021. Homeowners will see flags where proposed trees will be planted. The expectation is that every home in Woodbrook be fronted with one or more trees.
  • Tree Removal/Maintenance – Ron’s Tree Service will be removing select dead/diseased trees and “dead wooding” others in the Spring 2021.

Click Below for Details on Prior Tree Work: